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Monday, August 18, 2014

Rounding in R: How to Keep Trailing Zeros

The round function in R is an easy way to round a number to a desired number of digits after the decimal point.  When the final digit of the number happens to be a zero, R gets a little aggressive and chooses to drop the last zero as well.  If you want to neatly print output, this behavior can be a bit frustrating. I wish there was an option for the round function to fix this behavior for values ending in zero, but I couldn't find anything. Luckily, there is an easy work around to fix this: using the base R sprintf function.  Here is a quick example script of how to round a number and keep trailing zeros (Note: this results in converting the number to a character format).


  1. sprintf will do the rounding for you.
    > sprintf("%.3f",7.0503)
    [1] "7.050"

  2. sprintf will do the rounding for you.
    > sprintf("%.3f",7.0503)
    [1] "7.050"
